Unique database now available to the research community
Jun. 19, 2019
Increasing knowledge about the Swedish stock market. By providing data from the Swedish setting FinBas facilitates a growing knowledge of Swedish history and insights useful also in today’s setting.

A majority of researchers use data from US stock market, simply because there is electronic data available and due to the size of the market.
Now the unique database FinBas with Swedish and Nordic historical stock prices can offer cloud-based access to its content. FinBas contains a complete history of the Swedish stock market dating all the way back to 1912. It also covers prices from markets in Denmark, Finland and Norway.
The information is available for students and researchers in Sweden and covers prices, stock return series, corporate actions, items from accounting like book value, profit / loss and more. You will also find the most common daily stock indexes, currency rates and a selection of interest rates.
For access to FinBas, go to the Data Center on our website.