Make sure to check our calendar with all upcoming events, recorded webinars, tuition fees and scholarships, our double degree options, CEMS, our MSc employment report as well as our MSc alumni stories. Did you know that we have a YouTube series called "SSE Unfiltered" as well? Join our students on their journey while studying at the Stockholm School of Economics.
Upcoming events
Meet SSE in Frankfurt (MSc)
Hilton Hotel City Center, meeting room "Fifth Avenue", Hochstraße 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main at 19:00
E-fellows Master Day – Business & Economics in Frankfurt
IHK Frankfurt, Börsenplatz 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main at 10:30
Pre-departure event in Frankfurt for newly admitted MSc students
Hilton Hotel City Center, hotel lobby, Hochstraße 4, 60313 Frankfurt am Main at 11:00
Meet SSE in Zurich (BSc & MSc)
Coworking Lounge Tessinerplatz, Tessinerpl. 7, 8002 Zürich, Switzerland at 17:00