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Diversity, equity and inclusion

At SSE, we actively work for increased diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion of everyone.

Our goal is that students and employees feel encouraged and welcome to come to SSE to study or work regardless of their gender, ethnicity or origin (including skin color and language), gender identity or expression, social background, disability, sexual orientation, age, or religion or other beliefs.

SSE works strategically with diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion in accordance with the Discrimination Act, Swedish working environment provisions, and our policies and action plans. The President is ultimately responsible for ensuring that a goal-driven diversity, equity and inclusion program is implemented at SSE. In addition, all department heads and managers have a special responsibility to integrate these perspectives into their own areas of operation. SSE also has a zero-tolerance attitude regarding discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying, and actively works to prevent them from occurring.

Please write to DEI@hhs.se if you have questions or comments about diversity, equity and inclusion at SSE.


Support for Students with Disabilities

SSE provides different kinds of pedagogical support to students with permanent disabilities. Our goal is to ensure that all students can pursue their studies under the same conditions. For further information, please visit the Student Health & Academic Support page or contact the Coordinator for Students with Disabilities.

Document: SSE Guidelines for Support to Students with Disabilities.pdf

Norm-criticism as a tool for change

The diversity, equity and inclusion work at SSE is carried out from a norm-critical perspective. This means that norms and power structures are focused on, instead of focusing on that which is perceived to be "different". Norm-criticism means:

  • Exposing norms and power structures
  • Studying the consequences of them
  • Showing who gains/loses from following/breaking them
  • Determining how we all as individuals contribute to reinforcing or weakening them.