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Sweden must act urgently to close the AI gap, says new report

Sweden – and Europe – is falling further and further behind the US and China when it comes to AI, concludes a new report from the government’s AI commission published today. To turn the tide we need clear, cohesive political leadership and a general knowledge boost, says Magnus Tyreman, Chair of the Board of the Stockholm School of Economics and member of the AI commission’s expert group.

The fact that Europe is falling significantly behind the United States and China in terms of economic growth and value creation is well-documented. A large part of the decline is due to our lagging in key technological areas, such as cloud technology, next-generation software, and connectivity. In no area are we as far behind as we are in AI technology, Sweden’s AI commission concluded today at an event held at the Stockholm School of Economics. Members from the AI commission as well as the Prime Minister of Sweden stressed the importance of working together to turn the tide, after being presented with the AI commission's road map for the future.

Clear leadership needed

“Although Sweden is ahead compared to many parts of Europe, we are far behind the United States and China in AI. However, as a country, we have all the conditions needed to take a much stronger position. To achieve this, we need clear, cohesive political leadership with much faster and bolder decision-making than we see today,” says Magnus Tyreman, Chair of the Board of the Stockholm School of Economics and member of the AI commission’s expert group with members from the business community.

“We need a general knowledge boost, significant investments in world-class research, and broader access to computational power and data. A shared AI infrastructure is required to transform public services, along with a regulatory framework that better promotes innovation and entrepreneurship. The Stockholm School of Economics has an important role to play through its research and by educating the future leaders of both the private and public sectors.”

To learn more about the research on AI, innovation and leadership conducted at the Stockholm School of Economics, please visit our web page.

To read the from the AI commission (in Swedish), visit the government’s web page.