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Karl Engelbrektson, new Senior Advisor to House of Governance and Public Policy

Former Major General and Commander of the Swedish army, Karl Engelbrektson, joins the Stockholm School of Economics as a Senior Advisor to the House of Governance and Public Policy. Engelbrektson’s practical experience teamed with SSE research will help shape the next generation of leaders in the defense sector. 

Karl Engelbrektson served as Major General and Commander of the Swedish Army from 2016 to 2023. During this period, the Swedish Army went through one of the largest shifts in recent history. Prior to that, Engelbrektson served as the Head of Force Generation, Training and Education for the Swedish Armed Forces. Between 2010 and 2014 he was Sweden’s representative to the European Union’s and NATO’s Military Committees in Brussels. He has also been Force Commander of the first Nordic Battlegroup 08. 

As of August 28, Engelbrektson will serve as a Senior Advisor to the House of Governance and Public Policy (GaPP), offering a practitioner’s valuable perspective in addition to the School’s research. 

“General Engelbrektson is one of the most respected and accomplished officers of his generation,” says GaPP director Professor Karl Wennberg. “He has served Sweden both nationally and internationally and brings a wealth of experience in a time when SSE wants to develop research and teaching around security and resilience. We are honoured that he wants to serve as a Senior Advisor.”  

Commenting on his new position, Karl Engelbrektson says: 

“SSE is the leading business school in the Nordics and has been so for over 20 years. I look forward to helping the School develop relationships with the defense sector, both nationally and internationally. In addition to globally recognized research, I also believe that SSE’s Executive MBA program with a focus on defense can help shape the next generation of leaders within the Swedish security and resilience sector.” 

For more information, please contact: 

Karl Wennberg 
Professor and Director of the House of Governance and Public Policy 
Email: Karl.wennberg@hhs.se 
Tel: +46-70-510 53 66  

Karl Engelbrektson 
Senior Advisor, House of Governance and Public Policy 
Tel: +46-70-148 65 32 

Om Handelshögskolan i Stockholm 

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm är den ledande handelshögskolan i Norden och Baltikum och har ett högt anseende i Sverige såväl som internationellt. Forskning i världsklass utgör grunden för våra utbildningar som består av kandidat-, master- och forskarutbildning, ett MBA-program och ett stort utbud av executive education. Våra program är utvecklade i nära samarbete med både forskning och näringsliv, vilket ger våra studenter stora möjligheter att uppnå ledande positioner i företag och andra organisationer. 

Handelshögskolan är ackrediterad av EQUIS, som garanterar att både undervisning och forskning håller högsta internationella standard. Handelshögskolan är också den enda svenska medlemmen i CEMS och PIM, som är samarbeten mellan ledande handelshögskolor i världen, vilket bidrar till den höga kvalitet som Handelshögskolan är känd för.​


Ylva Mossing
Content and Media Relations Manager
Email: ylva.mossing@hhs.se
Telefon: +46 730 97 26 16

Fotograf: Jimmy Croona