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David Domeij has been appointed the Eva and Mats Qviberg Professor in Economics

David Domeij, professor at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), has been appointed the Eva and Mats Qviberg Professor in Economics.

David Domeij is a highly reputable researcher in macroeconomics, with a special focus on fiscal and monetary policy, inequality and labor supply. At SSE he is currently the Head of the Department of Economics, and he teaches macroeconomics at both the undergraduate level and in our executive education programs.

“By establishing a new chair, Eva and Mats Qviberg provide great support for the school. I am very honored and grateful for the professorship,” says David Domeij.

Eva and Mats Qviberg are both alumni from the Stockholm School of Economics and are happy to be able to give back to their alma mater with a strong foundation in research-based knowledge and education. By donating to this new chair in economics, they are also contributing to the competitiveness of Sweden.

“I am very grateful to the Qvibergs who see the importance of science and science-based teaching and that SSE is completely dependent on external support,” says Lars Strannegård, president for the Stockholm School of Economics.

David Domeij’s research seeks answers to crucial questions of debate in both Sweden and abroad. How should fiscal and monetary policy be designed to avoid or mitigate macroeconomic crises? How successful are the existing tax and transfer schemes in dampening income losses and gains over the business cycle? Are there assets whose market price systematically exceed their fundamental value despite investors having rational expectations? Through his research, David Domeij has arrived at new and profound answers to these and many other questions.

David Domeij obtained his PhD at Northwestern University under the supervision of Dale Mortensen who, in 2010, received the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Science in Memory of Alfred Nobel. David Domeij joined the Stockholm School of Economics in 1998 and has since then been an inspiring and pedagogical teacher on the course in macroeconomics in the BSc program in business and economics at SSE. 

For more information, please contact:

David Domeij, Professor, Stockholm School of Economics
Email: David.Domeij@hhs.se

Hanna Flodmark 
Director Communications and Marketing, Stockholm School of Economics
Email: Hanna.Flodmark@hhs.se
Phone: +46 70-689 90 15

SSE Dept. of Economics Press release