Presenting: Sound Economy
SSE is ranked the top business school in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Our research houses, centers and departments produce world-class research and serve as an arena for actors across different fields to meet and exchange knowledge and ideas, thus bridging common barriers between the private, public and academic sectors.
With the launch of our new podcast, , we want to bring you closer to our research as well as our brilliant researchers. In this podcast you’ll meet some of our most prominent researchers in intimate conversations about the most interesting and relevant aspects of their research, and how it relates to the world around us.
Questioning the entrepreneurial state
In the first episode you’ll meet professor Karl Wennberg. Together with the host, third-year Business and Economics student, Victor White, he talks about his new book, , and the very nature of innovation and creativity. Can governments and states be entrepreneurial? What does it mean to be innovative? Can you artificially produce or reproduce a spontaneous process?
Over the coming weeks you’ll get the chance to meet more of our researchers, covering a range of different subjects. Listen, subscribe and give us a rating!