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Katarina Martinson sponsors new professorship in finance at SSE

The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) is establishing a new professorship in Finance, the Katarina Martinson Chair in Finance, to be held by Professor Mariassunta Giannetti. The new chair is made possible by a donation from Katarina Martinson, thereby ensuring that Sweden and SSE keeps one of the leading professors in financial research.

Professor Mariassunta Giannetti is one of the brightest stars in financial research and a leading expert on corporate governance and financial intermediation. She studies how formal institutions, such as laws and regulations, and informal institutions, such as culture and social norms, affect corporate finance, investor behavior, asset valuations, and economic and financial integration. On an increasingly international market, Professor Mariassunta Giannetti’s research is not only integral to Sweden’s competitiveness, but also to strengthening Sweden’s role in European policymaking. 

Professor Giannetti is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in the financial economics program, a Research Associate of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) and a Regular Research Visitor at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.

”I have always been excited by studying how reducing frictions and fragmentation in financial markets can enhance the functioning of the European Union. In my new position, I think I will contribute to a better functioning of EU markets,” says Mariassunta Giannetti.

Strengthening Swedish business

SSE alum Katarina Martinson wants to play an active role in strengthening Swedish business as well as Sweden’s role in research and finance, both on a national and an international level. She has therefore chosen to sponsor a new chair at the Stockholm School of Economics.

“The Stockholm School of Economics is shaping many of Sweden’s future leaders, in both business and other important functions in society. In order to do that, teaching and research need to stay at a world-class level. SSE’s financial research is at the very forefront in Europe and I’m happy to be able to contribute to keeping Mariassunta Giannetti’s important skills and knowledge in Sweden,” says Katarina Martinson.

Lars Strannegård, President of the Stockholm School of Economics underlines the importance of support from external donors:

“If Sweden and SSE are to stay competitive, we need more diversity in academia, not least on the senior levels. We are tremendously grateful to Katarina Martinson for her dedication to quality in higher education. Donations like these are absolutely key to upholding the highest standards in financial research and teaching, thereby strengthening Sweden’s international competitiveness.”

For more information, please contact:

Hanna Flodmark
Director of communications and marketing, Stockholm School of Economics
Email: hanna.flodmark@hhs.se
Mobile: +46 70-689 90 15

SSE Dept. of Finance GAPP News Press release