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SSE to open its campus from September 29th

We are delighted to soon welcome students, colleagues, and external visitors back to the SSE campus!

Following the decision by the government to lift the national COVID restrictions as of September 29th, SSE will remove most of the corona restrictions that we have had in place since spring 2020. 

Lifted corona restrictions on the SSE campus mean that starting on September 29 all students, faculty, staff, and external guests are welcome back for studies, work, and campus visits. The SSE Library will re-open for external visitors and exams can now be held physically on campus. Students who are not able to be on campus cannot require online alternatives. Any exemptions from normal study pace should be handled via Academic Support and Records as per usual.

We still ask all persons on our campus to take normal hygiene precautions and to follow all travel recommendations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

For the health and benefit of all, we encourage our staff and students to get the vaccine. . If you do not have a personal identity number (personnummer), you can contact a healthcare center (vårdcentral) for an appointment. Vaccination against COVID-19 is free of charge.