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Sweden through the crisis: a new research report investigates the Swedish viewpoint in times of coronavirus

Sweden’s outlier position in handling the coronavirus has put the country at the center of global public debate. How did Sweden end up with different policies than other comparable countries? This subject – and much more – is broached in a comprehensive new report from a group of researchers affiliated with the Stockholm School of Economics, titled Sweden through the crisis.

 With a population of only ten million, Sweden has been one of the most extensively covered countries in international media since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to its public policies keeping the economy and society relatively open. For anyone looking to understand the unique Swedish dynamics and perspectives in times of COVID-19, Sweden through the crisis is a comprehensive research-based report on economics, business and policy. It offers a solid academical perspective, independent from both politics and the corporate sector.

The report includes more than 40 articles by around 50 well-merited researchers – among them Tore Ellingsen, Professor of Economics, and Per Strömberg, Professor of Finance, both on the Committee for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. 

Academic ideas and perspectives on the crisis

The report compiles a broad spectrum of Swedish academic ideas and perspectives in the hope of helping decision-makers better understand both the Swedish example and broader questions from a Swedish perspective. Articles cover subjects ranging from Sweden’s policy decisions during the corona crisis, domestic violence, ways to bridge societal divides in times of crisis, leadership and much more. The articles will be published on the SSE website throughout the summer, starting on June 15. In September, the full report will be released in book format by the Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR).

“Since there are a lot of reports and initiatives already covering the coronavirus and its implications, we realized that to add value we needed to compile a report that is not only about the economy, but about how the economy is an intrinsic part of society. This report is one way for us to take responsibility as a research institution. And our approach to integrate different perspectives showcases what a business school can contribute with today,” says Lars Strannegård, president of the Stockholm School of Economics.

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For more information, please contact:

Martin Carlsson-Wall
Associate Professor
Project manager, Sweden through the crisis
Tel: +46-730-44 09 00
Email: martin.carlsson-wall@hhs.se

Göran Lindqvist
Director, Research Office
Project manager, Sweden through the crisis
Tel: +46-704-58 42 22
Email: goran.lindqvist@hhs.se