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Swedish leadership – the next export success

Swedish leadership has long been praised internationally, and in an increasingly borderless world Swedish leadership is geared up to become the next big export success. SSE Executive Education at the Stockholm School of Economics is now proudly contributing to this development with a new focus on training for managers and leaders who work in the international arena. The Executive Management Program International Edition launches in November.

Talking about “Swedish leadership” is a bit like talking about “Swedish values.” We all know intuitively what it is, but if we’re asked to explain then it becomes trickier. For SSE Executive Education, Swedish leadership often entails embracing an inclusive approach, a deep faith in one’s own ability and a genuine focus on sustainability.

“In the past, as a manager you could get a pretty good overview of your company as well as your competitors and the society you operated in. Today, developments move faster and are more multi-faceted than ever before, so there’s no way you as an individual can keep up – you’re simply forced to rely on others. This is where traditional Swedish leadership steps into the picture, a leadership style that has always been rooted in the faith in human capacity,” says Anders Richtnér, CEO of SSE Executive Education and associate professor at the Stockholm School of Economics.

To meet the demand for leadership according to the “Swedish model,” SSE Executive Education is now launching its Executive Management Program, EMP, in an international version. The program is designed for experienced managers who either work in Swedish organizations abroad or foreign organizations with operations here in Sweden.

 “The power of SSE Executive Education’s programs lies in their close link to research at the Stockholm School of Economics. Using science as our starting point, we sift out the models that actually work. And our participants do not test these models on theoretical problems and scenarios, they do it on their own real challenges. This approach makes us unique in Swedish leadership development, and is the reason why year after year, we are ranked number one in the Nordic countries in executive education by the Financial Times,” says Robert Nobel, program director for the Executive Management Program at SSE Executive Education.

For more information, please contact:
Anders Richtnér
CEO of SSE Executive Education
Tel: +46 (0)73-659 77 27
E-mail: anders.richtner@exedsse.se


Robert Nobel
Program Director of the Executive Management Program International Edition
Tel: +46 (0)70-583 58 08
E-mail: robert.nobel@exedsse.se