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This year's MBA scholar is Gustaf Haag

For the ninth consecutive year a scholarship is awarded for Executive MBA studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship (worth SEK465,000) is based on cooperation between Dagens Industri, the Stockholm School of Economics and utbildning.se, and is given to the next generation of leaders in order to strengthen the Swedish industry.

− The purpose of the scholarship is to promote further education and to raise the level of skills among the next generation of leaders, says Karin Wiström, Director SSE MBA at the Stockholm School of Economics.

The scholarship is given to a person who, by achievements to date and future potential is expected to get maximum leverage of the program. By strengthening the leadership and expertise in responsible business development, the candidate will be able to operate for the benefit of the company or organization and be a good ambassador for Sweden. Particular emphasis is put on the person's potential to create new business through entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship and through Sweden-based business in an international market.

The 2016 MBA Scholarship is awarded to Gustaf Haag, with the following motivation:

"Gustaf successfully combines entrepreneurship and community involvement, both as President of the Scouts and as Partner and Head of Analytics at Stellum Asset Management. Gustaf is an ambitious, intelligent and forward thinking person, passionate about contributing to a better society. He has, despite his young age, already accomplished a lot and we see him as a great potential who inspires young future leaders, thus contributing to a positive community development. Through the SSE MBA program Gustaf will receive solid knowledge and support in achieving his full potential in current and future leadership roles.
With his experience, commitment, passion and inner drive, Gustaf is a very worthy recipient of the 2016 MBA scholarship."

− I am very happy and honored to have been awarded the 2016 MBA scholarship. It gives me a great opportunity to develop as an individual in an academic environment and I look forward to sharing experiences and perspectives with interesting people from other industries and backgrounds, says Gustaf Haag.

The scholarship jury has consisted of Carl-Johan Bonnier, Chairman, Bonnier AB, Peter Fellman, Editor in Chief, Dagens Industri, Mattias Säker, CEO, utbildning.se, David Perrone, Head of Marketing & Development, Tax, and KPMG and alumnus of the Executive MBA program, and Karin Wiström, Director SSE MBA, Stockholm School of Economics.

For further information, please contact:
Karin Wiström, Director SSE MBA, Stockholm School of Economics, karin.wistrom@hhs.se, +46 70 651 21 43