SSE IFL launches Risk Management program in partnership with WHU
”SSE IFL and WHU have a lot in common, both being small, independent business schools with outstanding research and top-rated education programs. Through cooperation we can benefit from the deep expertise and experience at both schools,” says Bo Becker, Professor of Finance at Stockholm School of Economics.
Bo Becker has developed the program in close cooperation with WHU Executive Education. He will be the program director, while faculty from both schools will be involved, and the modules will be delivered alternately in Sweden and Germany.
”The need for risk management comes from two factors: the impact on companies of increasing globalization, and laws and regulations in the financial sector, where the pressure for change is increasing all the time. The amount of regulation, and its complexity, has increased enormously since the financial crisis of 2008-2009,” says Bo Becker.
The introduction of Basel III for banks and Solvency II for insurance companies are just two examples.
As the need for risk management grows, so do the teams needed within companies to measure, report and take overall responsibility for risk. Their task is becoming more strategically significant, especially in financial companies, and more complex. Departments’ handling of risk is more and more carefully assessed, which in turn creates new challenges.
The SSE IFL/WHU program is designed to meet these needs. It is based on real case examples and focuses on insights from day-to-day business which have practical relevance. It is about recognizing risk management as a tool for creating value.
“The program will present insights from the USA, Europe and Asia, to provide participants with a global perspective on risk analysis,” says Garen Markarian, Professor of Economics at WHU.
For more information please contact:
Anna-Maria Watz, Director Marketing & Brand,, tel: +46 (0) 725 54 24 05
Ingrid Engström, CEO,, tel: + 46 (0) 725 45 60 05
Stockholm School of Economics IFL Executive Education is the leader in executive education and business development in the Nordic countries and is ranked by the Financial Times as one of the best schools in Northern Europe. Every year over 3,000 senior managers and leaders from business and the public sector participate in SSE IFL's programs in general management, finance, leadership, strategy and governance. For more information, go to .