Call for papers | The playing field in academia: Why are women still underrepresented?
Women continue to be underrepresented in every stage of the academic career in many fields and they do not advance professionally at the same rate as men. A growing body of research in economics points towards social and institutional causes behind these inequalities and offers policy suggestions to address them. To discuss and disseminate recent developments in this area together with and SITE invites academic papers to a conference held in Warsaw on 21-22 June, 2023.
The conference is organised as part of the FREE Network initiative FROGEE, supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (). It will combine contributed sessions, invited lectures and policy discussions.
Invited lectures:
- prof. (Bocconi University)
- prof. (University of Bristol)
Call for papers
We invite either full papers (early versions are welcome) or extended abstracts. Authors will have approximately 30 minutes for their presentations. There is no conference fee but participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation costs.
Download the call for paper in pdf-file: The playing field in academia- why are women still underrepresented.pdf
Submission deadline
Online submission is open via, please in the subject box type: “Submission: The playing field in academia”.
The deadline for submissions is 17 April 2023. Notifications are expected by 30 April 2023.
Save the date
21-22 June, 2023. More information about the conference can be found here.
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