Highlights from the event "Economic and social context of domestic violence"
While the COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the academic and policy interest in the causes and consequences of domestic violence, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has tragically reminded us about the gender dimension of war. There is no doubt that a gender lens is a necessary perspective to understand and appreciate the full consequences of these two ongoing crises.
SITE together with and the invited distinguished academics and experts to discuss gender-based violence and the role of policy and the international community in mitigating the risks that women face.
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Special thanks
We would like to thank everyone who participated in person and online during the full day conference at the Stockholm School of Economics. Special thanks to all the speakers for sharing their insights and comments:
(University of Gothenburg)
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
(ifo Institute, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
(Centre for Economic Analysis)
Maria Perrotta Berlin (Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics)
(Northeastern University)
(Univerisity of Denver)
(Swedish Defence University)
(Georgetown University)
Cristina Clerici (Stockholm School of Economics)
(London School of Economics)
Photos from the event
Jesper Roine welcomes all the participants who joined online and those who attended the conference in person.
Dick Durevall during his presentation "Gender Policy and Intimate Partner Violence in Colombia". See the presentation.
Marta Martínez-Matute during her presentation "Specialized Courts and the Reporting of Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Spain". See the presentation .
Victoria Endl-Geyer during her presenation "Deterrence or Backlash? The Causal Effect of Arrest on the Dynamics of Domestic Violence".
Michal Myck introducing "FROGEE Survey of Gender Based Violence". Learn more about the. See presentation .
Yaroslava Babych during her presentation "Perceptions of violence and their socio-economic determinants: a comparative analysis". See the presentation .
Monika Oczkowska during her presentation "Contexts and the Perception of Differential Treatment". See the presentation .
Maria Perrotta Berlin during her presenation "Domestic Violence Legislation - Awareness and Support in Latvia, Russia and Ukraine". See the presentation
Bilge Erten during her keynote presentation "The Causes and Consequences of Domestic Violence". See the presentation .
Pamela Campa moderating and introducing the policy panel discussion on "Dimensions of gender-based violence in military conflicts: limiting the scale and assisting the victims".
Speakers from the policy panel discussion "Dimensions of gender-based violence in military conflicts: limiting the scale and assisting the victims", see the presentation slides here. From top left: Pamela Campa, Bilge Erten, Leena Vastapuu. From bottom left: Katarina Mantouvalou, Lotta Sylvander and Chen Reis.
Speakers during the session "Understanding the Factors Behind Domestic Violence". From top left: Maria Perrotta Berlin was moderating the session, Deniz Sanin presented "Paid Work for Women and Domestic Violence: Evidence from the Rwandan Coffee Mills" (), Cristina Clerici presented "Unemployment and Intra-Household Dynamics: the Effect of Male Job Loss on Intimate Partner Violence in Uganda" (). From bottom left: Ria Ivandic presented "Football, Alcohol and Domestic Abuse" () and Bilge Erten joined the discussion.
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in events, policy briefs, working papers and other publications are those of the authors and/or speakers; they do not necessarily reflect those of SITE, the and its research institutes.