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SITE Energy Day highlights

On the 2nd of December 2014 SITE organized the 8th SITE Energy Day devoted to market adaptations and policies necessary to address the green transition.

Recent energy trends with ever more green energy mixes will have consequences for the functioning of related markets as well as implications for appropriate policy responses. New financial solutions, technological developments, international cooperation and national policy initiatives in both developing and developed countries are examples of adaptations to this transition process. To discuss these issues, the conference brought together a group of distinguished experts from the energy industry, policy community and academia.

Topics discussed during the SITE 8th Energy Day can be viewed in the conference program. Video highlights from the SITE 8th Energy Day speaker presentations are available below.

First Session - Green Transition and the Energy Markets

Financial Instruments for Energy Markets, Laurent Cheval, Head of Nordic and Fuel Origination, Business Division Asset Optimization & Trading, Vattenfall

Laurent Cheval discussed why traditional financial instruments may not be fully adequate with a green transition. Indeed more complex and tailor-made financial products are required to face the ongoing changes in the energy sector. For more information you can access Cheval’s presentation here.

Falling Costs for Wind Power - Possibilities and Challenges, Lars Andersson, Head of Wind Power Unit, Swedish Energy Agency

Lars Andersson reported that over the last five years, the production cost of wind power has fallen consistently and capacity usage has increased. This will have some important consequences for the industry. For more information you can access Andersson’s presentation here.

International Climate Policy and Linking of Carbon Markets, Martin Ådahl, Chefsekonom, Centerpartiet; Daniel Engström, Programchef Miljö och klimat, Fores

Martin Ă…dahl and Daniel Engström presented the current state of the international climate policy and discussed the benefits of linking carbon emission rights markets.  For more information you can access Engström and Ă…dahl's presentation here.

Second Session - Environmental Policies: International Experience

Green Industrial Policy in Emerging Countries, Anna Pegels, Senior Researcher, German Development Institute (DIE)

Anna Pegels reviewed green industrial policy in developing economies and discussed the lessons learned regarding policy design from countries such as India and South Africa. For more information you can access Pegels’ presentation here.

Nordic Low Carbon Transition and Lessons for Other Countries, Benjamin Sovacool, Professor of Business and Social Sciences, Aarhus University and Director of Danish Centre for Energy Technologies

Benjamin Sovacool talked about the Nordic process of low carbon transition and what challenges remain to achieve sustainability of energy production and usage. For more information you can access Benjamin Sovacool's presentation here.