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What determines which beverages are sold at Systembolaget?

Systembolaget held a workshop where the Retail Club learned about how they handle assortment and purchasing, being a monopoly under specific requirements and legislation.

Ulf Sjödin, Assortment Manager and Master of wine, and Fredrik Arenander, Purchasing Manager, held an insightful presentation of the history of alcohol consumption and sales in Sweden, that led up to the founding of Systembolaget in 1955. Their monopoly role influences everything that happens at Systembolaget, including assortment and purchasing. Ulf presented their assortment structures and how they plan for varying demands across the country. Following that, Fredrik explained their purchasing method step-by-step, including taste testing and evaluation which the students got to try under Fredrik's instructions.

One issue Systembolaget is facing is getting customers to “move their hand” from non-sustainable products in the assortment, to those labeled “Hållbart val”. The students presented various ideas to influence consumers, including nudging, social signaling and re-positioning of beverage categories.

Clara Carlberg, Key Account Manager, Systembolaget Retail Club

CFR Retail Retail Club