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Workshop with Swedish Match

Swedish Match’s Retail Club had an online workshop about identifying individual strengths.

Before the workshop, the retail club members had all received a link, enabling them to take the CliftonStrengths assessment, to find out about their strengths. The assessment was made on the basis of 177 statements, which the students had to decide on, that generated a ranking of the 34 strengths for each individual. The students then filled out a template of their top 5 strengths, and attached images and described their strengths with their own words, which which was then sent to Cecilia Källbäck, Head of Stores at Swedish Match, before the workshop.

The workshop started off with a short presentation about the purpose and an introduction to CliftonStrengths, held by Cecilia. After that, it was time for the students to introduce themselves, through their top 5 strengths. The retail club members then shared a “peak experience” in their lives, and reflected upon what strengths that could have been reflected in that specific situation. The workshop ended with an exercise about how to use our different strengths in connection to our studies at SSE.

In summary, it was a very nice afternoon where we got to learn more about
ourselves, our friends in the retail club, and also of course about the Clifton
Strengths. It was the first workshop in the club that was carried out by digital means, and although it would have been nice if we were all together, it worked out really well considering the circumstances.

Wilma Augustsson, Key Account Manager, Swedish Match’s Retail Club

CFR Retail Club