Watch the ‘Bending the Global Emissions Curve’ webinar on demand
On May 25, Misum hosted a high-level panel on Swedish policy pathways to ambitiously meet global carbon emissions reduction targets. Discussions highlighted the importance of reaching an international agreement on a minimum global carbon tax and climate tariffs, scaling up exports of climate neutral Swedish products, and diversifying Swedish energy and transport investments to reach 2°C warming.
The panel used the chaired by Professor John Hassler, Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES) as a point of departure.
Panelists featured Anders Ygeman, Swedish Minister for Energy and Digital Development; Jessica Rosencrantz, Environment and Climate Policy spokesperson for the Swedish Moderates Party; Jytte Guteland, MEP; Dr. Elina Scheja, Lead Economist at Sida; Prof. Jonas Nycander, Professor of Physical Oceanography at Stockholm University; Johan Kuylenstierna, Chair of the Swedish Climate Policy Council, Adjunct Professor at Stockholm University and Mistra Board member and Prof. John Hassler, Deputy Director and Professor of Economics at the Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES). The webinar was moderated by Mia Horn af Rantzien, CEO of the SNS Centre for Business and Policy Studies.
Watch the recordings to revisit this energetic debate.