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1.9 MSEk grant for research on global partnerships for sustainability

Misum researchers Svenne Junker, Torkel Strömsten and Marek Reuters won 1.9 MSEK from Handelsbankens forskningsstiftelse for research on global partnership for sustainability.

The research project aims, first, to analyze new attempts in multinational enterprises to manage sustainability in their global value and supply chains. If follows the transformation in our case company – the world leading clothing company H&M – of the way sustainability is governed and controlled, from compliance, a model dependent on external regulation and auditing at arm’s length, towards partnership, a model where embeddedness, trust and commitment are essential ingredients. The project secondly aims to increase our understanding of performance measurements of sustainability, the evaluative infrastructure and organizational arrangement that are needed to achieve sustainability in highly complex and dispersed global supply chains.

For more info contact Svenne Junker: svenne.junker@hhs.se or Torkel Strömsten: torkel.stromsten@hhs.se (working with the project from Harvard University during 2018-2019)

More info (in Swedish) here.

Listen to Svenne Junker on about global partnership for sustainability.
