Pursue your Ph.D. at House of Innovation
How does the development, adoption and use of artificial intelligence (AI) affect organizations?
The development, adoption, and use of AI by organizations create new types of behaviors, interactions and governance arrangements. These bring with them a plethora of challenges and opportunities that need to be better understood.
Leading researchers at SSE House of Innovation are in this context exploring novel phenomena such as human-algorithm collaboration and decision-making, and the reshaping of work and roles as AI technologies enter and permeate the workplace. They are also looking at governance topics such as organizational behavior and learning associated with AI use. This includes the ways in which resources, principles, and priorities are used to guide how, where, and why AI is employed in the organization, and what the associated outcomes are.
As a Ph.D. student you will work with Magnus Mähring, Anna Essén, Sebastian Krakowski, Elmira van den Broek, and others to explore questions such as:
- How do AI use dynamics evolve over time, and why?
- How is the interplay between AI use dynamics and AI governance dynamics constituted, what drives it, and what outcomes does it produce?
- How does AI shape professional work and societal values?
- How do professionals engage with AI, depending on their personality, status, and authority?
- In what distinctive ways does AI affect value creation in and between organizations?
The Ph.D. position is funded by the Wallenberg Foundations and affiliated with Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society (WASP-HS) – a national research program tackling the challenges and impacts of upcoming technology shifts and contributing to the development of theories and practices of human and societal aspects of AI and autonomous systems. The particular focus is on the ethical, economic, labor market, social, cultural, and legal aspects of the technological transition. The program includes an extensive national graduate school with up to 70 doctoral students, the creation of at least eleven new research groups across Sweden, support for twelve visiting professors to strengthen Swedish research and networking activities, and a number of research projects.
For more details regarding the research area and ongoing and planned projects, please contact Anna Essén or Sebastian Krakowski. For questions or support of an administrative nature, please contact Anders Reagan. Since the position in question is tied to a pre-specified project, applicants interested in this project should clearly indicate this in their application.
How to apply
All applications to the SSE Ph.D. program in Business Administration must be made through the web-based application system, accessible via the SSE website. Applicants should apply for the Ph.D. in Business Administration, with a specialization in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Technology.
There you will find complete information about prerequisites as well as the required contents
of your application (see the box ”Application Step by Step” at the bottom of the page).
Please, choose the specialization in Marketing and Strategy to apply for this position and
mention the project in your statement of purpose. The application deadline is February
1, 2022.
For general information about the Ph.D. programs at SSE and the application process,
please contact us at info@hhs.se.