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Book launch: Intelligence and Contemporary Conflict

12 March 2025
The Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication at the Stockholm School of Economics and Bokförlaget Stolpe cordially invite you to the book launch of Intelligence and Contemporary Conflict: Communication in Diplomacy, Statecraft, and War.

CSSC Publication Announcement

06 November 2024
The Center for Statecraft and Strategic Communication is pleased to announce the publication of Intelligence and Contemporary Conflict: Communication in Diplomacy, Statecraft, and War.

New chapters by Anders Åslund and Torbjörn Becker focus on Ukraine’s and Russia’s connections to the EU

07 May 2024
The Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) is proud to highlight two significant contributions by Torbjörn Becker, Director of SITE, and Anders Åslund, the founding director of SITE, to the newly released book, "The Borders of the European Union in a Conflictual World".

Successful Book Launch: "Data och Modeller: en handbok för analys"

06 September 2023
We are thrilled to share the success of our recent book launch for "Data och Modeller: en handbok för analys".

Jesper Roine discusses why inequality matters

25 August 2023
In this interview, Jesper Roine, Deputy Director at SITE, sheds light on the causes, manifestations, and intersections of income and wealth inequality, topics covered in his latest book “Why inequality matters”.

Prof Emer Sven-Erik Sjöstrand officially launched his most recent study and book “Ägarstyrning"

11 April 2023
On Thursday March 30, Professor Emeritus at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, officially launched his most recent study and book “Ägarstyrning, en närstudie av ägarnas insatser och handlingsutrymmen i de stora svenska företagen”. The book was highlighted at a well-attended event in the aula followed by networking, drinks and light refreshments in the atrium.

How should the reconstruction of Ukraine be financed and organized?

16 January 2023
Did you miss the chance to attend the book launch event "Rebuilding Ukraine: Principles and policies" presented by Torbjörn Becker, Beatrice Weder di Mauro and Veronika Movchan on 11 January? Watch the recordings to learn more about their framework for Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction co-written together with leading scholars and experts.

Spin dictators, information wars, and the conflict in Ukraine

05 April 2022
In recent decades, a new breed of media-savvy strongmen has been redesigning authoritarian rule for a more sophisticated, globally connected world. What do we know about these "Spin Dictators"?

New book digs deep into Putin's Russia

10 September 2020
What do we really know about Putin’s Russia? How far will the Russian economy, military prowess and international ambitions go? Torbjörn Becker together with other distinguish researchers and authors provides a basis for assessing Russia's prospects without the distortions caused by fake news and disinformation wars in the new book “Putin’s Russia - Economy, Defence and Foreign Policy” edited by Professor Steven Rosefielde of University of North Carolina.

EU-Russia Gas Relationship at a Crossroads

11 September 2013
by Chloé Le Coq and Elena Paltseva, forthcoming as a chapter in "Russian Energy and Security up to 2030", edited by Susanne Oxenstierna and Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Roothledge