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SSE MBA Corporate Partner scholarship 2024 recipient, Christian Lindgren

17 December 2024
Christian Lindgren has been awarded the SSE MBA Corporate Partner Scholarship 2024. All candidates to the scholarship must be top-performing managers with an entrepreneurial spirit and a proven record of successful leadership. The recipient is expected to contribute to the Corporate Partner organization by bringing best practices, new tools and ideas into the business. They are encouraged to become leaders that work more effectively with a strategic and holistic understanding of their organization.

SSE MBA Executive Format welcomes the Class of 2024

06 December 2024
On Monday, December 2, a new group of 43 professionals began their 18-month Executive MBA journey. This transformative program is tailored to equip participants with the skills to build, lead and develop organizations on the global stage.

SSE MBA Carl Silfvén scholarship 2024 recipients, Magali Bancel, Marie Wik, and Xin Li

04 December 2024
Magali Bancel, Marie Wik, and Xin Li have been awarded the SSE MBA Carl Silfvén Scholarship 2024. The scholarship is presented to the next generation leaders to promote the competitiveness of Swedish-based business in an international market. They are all grateful for the many new opportunities the scholarship offers.

SSE MBA class of 2022 Teacher of the Year Award

30 September 2024
Congratulations Bo Becker to the Teacher of the Year award, voted by the SSE MBA class of 2022 who graduated September 28!

Gerda Mazi Larsson receives this year’s SSE MBA scholarship

30 August 2024
For the 18th consecutive year, a scholarship is being awarded for Executive MBA studies at the Stockholm School of Economics. The scholarship of SEK 645,000 is announced by Swedish financial newspaper Dagens Industri in cooperation with the Stockholm School of Economics and Keystone Education Group and recognizes the next generation of leaders, with the purpose of strengthening Swedish competitiveness.

SSE hosted Global Network Week on Nordic Entrepreneurship

19 June 2024
Last week, the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) welcomed 48 participants from 15 prestigious Executive MBA programs worldwide for the Nordic Entrepreneurship course. We had representatives from AIM, Berkeley Haas, EGADE, ESMT, FGV EAESP, Fudan, IE University, IMD, NUS, Oxford SaĂŻd, Strathmore, UNSW, Yale, SSE Riga, and SSE.

Executive MBA-utbildningen stärkte Ninas karriär som hållbarhetsstrateg

17 April 2024
Efter sexton Är pÄ H&M Group, varav flera Är som hÄllbarhetsstrateg med fokus pÄ cirkulÀrekonomi, transparens och hÄllbara affÀrsmodeller, kÀnde sig Nina Shariati redo för att utvecklas professionellt genom att gÄ en Executive MBA-utbildning pÄ Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. För Ninas del var SSE MBA Carl Silfvén-stipendiet en viktig möjliggörare för att hon skulle kunna gÄ utbildningen som bÄde bidragit med ny kompetens, inspiration, kontakter och extra mod.

SSE MBA Corporate Partner scholarship recipient Maksym Girnyk

14 December 2023
Maksym Girnyk, Radio Study Driver at Ericsson AB, has been awarded the SSE MBA Corporate Partner scholarship 2023. The scholarship is awarded a top-performing manager employed and nominated by one of SSE's Corporate Partners. It's the 11th consecutive year that SSE handles out the scholarship to it's Corporate Partner companies.

SSE MBA Carl Sifvén Scholarship recipients Näva von Rosen, Nina Shariati, and Maria Svensson

06 December 2023
NÀva von Rosen, Nina Shariati, and Maria Svensson have been awarded the SSE MBA Carl Silfvén Scholarship 2023. The scholarship is presented to the next generation leaders to promote the competitiveness of Swedish-based business in an international market. They are all grateful for the many new opportunities the scholarship offers.

SSE MBA Teacher of the Year Award

24 October 2023
Congratulations Ramin Baghai to the Teacher of the Year award, voted by the SSE MBA 2021 Autumn class, that graduated in September!
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