What are the challenges to media freedom in Eastern European countries?
05 March 2021
Policy brief: In recent years, press freedom in many Eastern European countries has increasingly come under threat. This policy brief provides an overview of the importance of a free press for democracy and the challenges to media freedom in these European transition economies.
Who's winning the vaccination race? Addressing the COVID-19 vaccination effort in Eastern Europe
01 March 2021
Policy brief: There are great expectations that vaccinations will enable a return to normality from COVID-19. However, there is massive variation in vaccination efforts, vaccine access, and attitudes to vaccination in the population across countries. This policy brief compares the situation in a number of countries in Eastern Europe, the Baltics, the Caucasus region, and Sweden. The brief is based on the insights shared at a recent webinar “Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic: Vaccination efforts in FREE Network countries” organized by the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics.
Vacancy: postdoctoral position in Big Data and Sustainable Supply Chain Management
23 February 2021
The House of Innovation currently invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position with a focus on conducting world-class research in close collaboration with industry on how the use of big data may support developing sustainable supply chains. The deadline for applications is April 30 2021, with an ideal starting date of September 1, 2021.
Pollution and the COVID-19 pandemic: Air quality in Eastern Europe
16 February 2021
Policy brief: The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to a pre-existing threat to global health: the quality of air in cities around the world. Prolonged exposure to air pollution has been found to increase the mortality rate of COVID-19. This is a particular concern for much of Eastern Europe, where emissions regularly exceed safe levels.
New research: what determines innovation performance at the micro-foundations level?
22 January 2021
New research on innovation suggests that employees that are curious about mastering their workplace, and that desire to work more effectively, will have a higher ability to find useful information in the global marketplace and commercialize it.
Highlights from Development Day 2020: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Eastern Europe
21 December 2020
After having been relatively mildly affected in the first wave, Eastern Europe is currently in the midst of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic with much higher levels of infected and dead compared to the spring. This health crisis not only has economic consequences, but also has contributed to political instability in parts of the region. Learn more on the presentations and discussions held at the SITE Development Day conference 2020!
MECON student awarded first prize in the Swedish Competition Authority’s thesis competition
16 December 2020
Filip Mellgren was awarded first prize in this year’s thesis competition at the Swedish Competition Authority in the business administration and economics category for his thesis “Tacit collusion with deep multi-agent reinforcement learning”.
Was Sweden's Covid-19 policy a failure?
10 December 2020
Sweden's strategy to deal with Covid-19 has been intensively debated both in Sweden and internationally during the spring. As the second wave of Covid-19 hit Sweden during the fall, the debate about the Swedish policy response has intensified.
Why are people afraid to bid for a house that nobody else has been bidding for?
24 November 2020
That's one of the questions that Tore Ellingsen answers in this feature article on auctions - in the aftermath of the Prize in Economics in Memory of Alfred Nobel to Paul Milgrom (an honorary doctor at SSE) and Robert Wilson.
Anna Dreber Almenberg interviewed in Universitetsläraren
18 November 2020
What happens when the same data is given to a number of researchers who are asked to test the same hypotheses?