Whistleblower Rewards, False Reports, and Corporate Fraud
28 August 2017
by Giancarlo Spagnolo (with Paolo Buccirossi and Giovanni Immordino), SITE Working Paper
Leniency, Asymmetric Punishment and Corruption. Evidence from China
19 October 2015
by Maria Perrotta Berlin and Giancarlo Spagnolo (with Bei Qin), SITE Working paper
‘For the Love of the Republic’ Education, Secularism, and Empowerment
28 January 2015
by Erik Meyersson (with Selim Gulesci), Working paper
Islamic Rule and the Empowerment of the Poor and Pious
22 October 2013
by Erik Meyersson, published in the Econometrica
Aid Effectiveness in Times of Political Change: Lessons from the Post-Communist Transition
19 October 2013
by Anders Olofsgård and Maria Perrotta Berlin (with Emmanuel Frot), published in World Development
Petro Rents, Political Institutions, and Hidden Wealth: Evidence from Offshore Bank Accounts
19 August 2013
by Elena Paltseva (with Jørgen Juel Andersen, Niels Johannesen, and David Dreyer Lassen), published in the Journal of the European Economic Association
Aid Effectiveness in Times of Political Change: Lessons from the Post-Communist Transition
12 July 2012
by Anders Olofsgård, Maria Perrotta and Emmanuel Frot, SITE Working Paper
The Politics of Aid Effectiveness: Why Better Tools can Make for Worse Outcomes
01 June 2012
by Anders Olofsgård, SITE Working Paper
Crisis prevention and management: What worked in the 2008/09 crisis?
01 February 2012
by Torbjörn Becker, SITE Working Paper
The Costs of Political In‡fluence: Firm-Level Evidence from Developing Countries
01 May 2011
by Anders Olofsgård (and R. Desai), published in the Quarterly Journal of Political Science