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HOI research | How digital healthcare platforms gain acceptance in traditional sectors

01 July 2023
New research reveals the complex process by which digital healthcare platforms gain legitimacy and acceptance in highly regulated sectors like healthcare. The study, published in Technovation, examines how digital health platforms in Sweden redesigned their business models to address evolving legitimacy debates over a period from 2013 to 2020.

HOI research | Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries

14 June 2023
How did people around the world respond to public health guidelines during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic? A study published in Scientific Data explores this by analyzing data from over 51,000 individuals across 69 countries. This research aims to understand the social and moral psychology behind public health behavior during the pandemic.

HOI research | Navigating uncertainty: how senior IS managers control information systems projects

12 June 2023
In the complex and often uncertain landscape of Information Systems (IS) projects, senior IS managers face the daunting task of maintaining control and ensuring successful outcomes. A recent academic paper investigates how project uncertainty influences these managers' control-style choices and how these choices impact the performance of IS projects.

New study from Department of Economics on design heterogeneity in PNAS

01 June 2023
New study on ‘design heterogeneity’ highlights the limits of generalizability and informativeness of individual experimental designs.

HOI research | Older adults use digital healthcare platforms differently than younger people

01 June 2023
New research reveals that older adults use digital healthcare platforms (DHPs) in unique ways compared to younger individuals, highlighting significant behavioral differences. Published in the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, this study delves into these differences and offers insights into how digital healthcare services can better cater to elderly users.

HOI research | Sons are favored in family firms – but daughters do better

28 April 2022
Sons are much likelier than daughters to take over the family firm – despite the fact that businesses run by daughters outperform those run by sons. This according to new research from the Stockholm School of Economics and Jönköping International Business School.

House of Innovation research article certified among journal’s top cited papers

10 May 2021
Research authored by House of Innovation researchers has recently been certified by the Journal of Product Innovation Management as a top cited article. Congratulations to these researchers!

HOI research | What is most important about the role of the board chair?

09 March 2021
The work of the board of directors, in particular the role of the board chair, is currently undergoing considerable changes because of increasing demands from internal and external stakeholders and in light of the challenging times, including companies' responses to crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic. New research suggests that the role of the board chair is of particular interest given its position of leadership.

HOI research | Entrepreneurship in the space industry

24 February 2021
New research on innovation and entrepreneurship suggests that institutions and policies within the space industry have effectively shrunk the entrepreneurial field there, leaving little room for enterprise.

HOI research | How should firms respond to new regulations to improve innovation performance?

23 February 2021
New research on innovation suggests that high flexibility and low complexity in a firm’s response to new regulations is the best combination to yield improved innovation performance.