Highlights from SITE's Academic Conference 2019
15 January 2020
On December 16-17, 2019, the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics hosted the annual Academic Conference at the Stockholm School of Economics that brought together researchers and scholars in economics and political science from all over Europe and North America contributing to a better understanding of the political economy of Eastern Europe.
Russia’s macroeconomy — a closer look at growth, investment, and uncertainty
28 June 2019
Working paper: This paper looks at economic growth and its fundamental determinants in Russia over the last decades. It starts by showing that, contrary to the views of some political commentators, growth is highly important for the popularity of president Putin.
Russia’s economy and regional spillovers
13 June 2019
Working paper: This paper looks at how the Russian economy has developed under the leadership of Putin and how it spills over to its neighbours in the CIS region.
From abnormal to normal—Two tales of growth from 25 years of transition
29 November 2017
By Torbjörn Becker and Anders Olofsgård, SITE Working Paper
Russia’s Oil Dependence and the EU
10 August 2016
By Torbjörn Becker, SITE Working Paper
The Nature of Swedish-Russian Capital Flows
15 March 2016
by Torbjörn Becker, SITE Working Paper
EU-Russia Gas Relationship at a Crossroads
11 September 2013
by Chloé Le Coq and Elena Paltseva, forthcoming as a chapter in "Russian Energy and Security up to 2030", edited by Susanne Oxenstierna and Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen, Roothledge
The EU-Russia Gas Relationship: A Mutual Dependency
05 November 2012
by Chloé Le Coq and Elena Paltseva, SITE Working Paper
Crisis prevention and management: What worked in the 2008/09 crisis?
01 February 2012
by Torbjörn Becker, SITE Working Paper
Political Influence in Transition Economies: Firm Level Evidence
01 April 2009
by Anders Olofsgård (with R. Desai), Working Paper