Trust, Salience and Deterrence
16 August 2010
by Chloé Le Coq and Giancarlo Spagnolo (with M. Bigoni and S. Fridolfsson), IFN Working Paper No. 859
Fines, Leniency, Rewards and Organized Crime: Evidence from Antitrust Experiment
01 August 2009
by Chloé Le Coq and Giancarlo Spagnolo (with M. Bigoni and S. Fridolfsson), published in the Centre of Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper Series
Poverty, Exclusion, and Dissent - Support for Regimes in Developing Countries
08 January 2008
by Anders Olofsgård (with R. Desai and T. Yousef), Working Paper
Corruption and Political and Economic Reforms: A Structural Breaks Approach
06 January 2008
by Anders Olofsgård (with Z. Zahran), published in the Economics & Politics