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Job search behaviour during Covid-19

28 May 2020
A recent report by Lena Hensvik, Thomas Le Barbanchon and Roland Rathelot shows that job search on Sweden’s largest job board Platsbanken changed markedly around the time of the outbreak of Covid 19.

Individual welfare costs of stay-at-home orders

28 May 2020
In a new paper, SSE-CERN network members Erik Wengström and Ola Andersson with co-authors estimate that a one-month stay-at-home order would give a welfare loss of around 9 percent of Sweden's monthly GDP.

Basic reproduction numbers, effective reproduction numbers and herd immunity

27 May 2020
Professor of mathematical statistics and SSE-CERN member Tom Britton gives a Zoom webinar this afternoon explaining why the disease-induced herd immunity level is smaller than the classical herd immunity level.

Covid-19 Labor Market Monitoring

27 May 2020
A new report by Lena Hensvik and Oskar Nordström Skans contains an early assessment of the labor market impact of Covid 19 and the ensuing economic policy responses in Sweden. The report is written as part of an international Crisis Monitoring Program organized by the IZA.

Real-time analysis using administrative data

26 May 2020
Helsinki Graduate School of Economics has set up a "Situation Room" that allows researchers, government and the wider public to perform real-time analysis of the Finnish economy. We asked one of the researchers behind the initiative about it.

IMF’s growth forecasts for non-advanced economies

25 May 2020
The IMF’s assessment is that growth will decline by 8.4 percentage points for the advanced economies from 2019 to 2020 and by only 5.3 percentage points for emerging markets and developing economies. What drives the optimistic forecasts made by the IMF for non-advanced economies?

An estimate of the cost of lockdown

24 May 2020
A new working paper by researchers at University of Copenhagen and CEPI uses transaction data from a large bank in Scandinavia to estimate the effect of social distancing laws on consumer spending in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Addressing the Covid-19 Pandemic in Eastern Europe

19 May 2020
The FREE Network is delighted to invite you to a webinar to share insights and knowledge about how countries around the Baltic Sea, in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus have fared in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Call For Papers – Special Issue on Pandemic Politics

19 May 2020
Perspectives on Politics invites political scientists, irrespective of subfield, to submit papers related to issues raised by the coronavirus crisis for potential inclusion in a special issue on “Pandemic Politics.”

Will we learn from this pandemic?

19 May 2020
In 2019, the Global Health Security (GHS) Index, a project of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (JHU) developed with The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), found no country was fully prepared for epidemics or pandemics. Collectively, international preparedness was weak. Will Covid-19 change this?