HOI research | How should firms respond to new regulations to improve innovation performance?
23 February 2021
New research on innovation suggests that high flexibility and low complexity in a firm’s response to new regulations is the best combination to yield improved innovation performance.
New research: what determines innovation performance at the micro-foundations level?
22 January 2021
New research on innovation suggests that employees that are curious about mastering their workplace, and that desire to work more effectively, will have a higher ability to find useful information in the global marketplace and commercialize it.
Last call for papers for Nordic workshop on digital foundations of business, operations, strategy and innovation
17 December 2020
This third invitational hands-on and small-scale research paper workshop on digital foundations of business, operations, innovation and strategy will bring together a small group of researchers from information systems, computer science, operations management, innovation, and strategy. The call for papers closes on 18 December 2020 at 23:59 CET.
HOI research | Coordinating occupational work through a temporal perspective
11 September 2020
Groups of professionals hardly ever work alone. Often, occupational groups benefit from exchanging and relying on the expertise of other occupational groups. Or they many need to collaborate to complete a given project. These exchanges of knowledge and services require a considerable amount of coordination.
HOI research | Organizations that move fast really do break things
16 July 2020
When organizations grow too fast, they expose themselves to several risks. In the past, research has shown that people who try to move forward without careful evaluation is often associated with unethical decision-making, while taking time to evaluate consequences is associated with ethical decisions. Does this same rule apply also to organizations?
HOI research | Unique technological combinations drive knowledge transfer in inter-firm alliances
05 June 2020
Alliances are at the core of firms’ innovation strategies. They allow firms to strengthen their innovation activities by providing access to technological knowledge developed by other firms. For this reason, alliances are particularly common in high-tech industries where the market position of firms is very dependent on their ability to introduce new and improved products and services. Often, however, alliances fail to meet expectations and do not lead to valuable outputs. It is therefore important to understand what distinguishes successful from less successful alliances.
HOI research | Literature, fiction, and the family business
03 June 2020
In recent years, scholars have become increasingly interested in understanding the challenges and opportunities of building entrepreneurial family businesses from different perspectives. Most researchers in this area tend to draw on insights from the management and economics disciplines for theoretical and methodological guidance. However, other subjects, like psychology, family sciences, and history, have also been emphasized – and now even the humanities.
Open schools saved Sweden billions of SEK
12 May 2020
In the latest episode from Vetenskapens Värld "The way out of corona", Jesper Roine among many other experts explains what the pandemic measures from the government have cost the Swedish economy. Has Sweden performed better financially compared to the other Nordic countries?
HOI research | The decentered translation of management ideas
15 April 2020
New research on innovation explores how management ideas change workplace practices while workplace practices change management ideas.