The experts' best tips - how to set climate goals that actually make a difference
04 June 2023
As a smaller company, it can be difficult to kick-start your climate and sustainability work. Two experts therefore give their best advice on how to get started: Lin Lerpold, Director at Center for Sustainability Research and Tommy Borglund, researcher and teacher at the Center for Sustainable Business.
New international sustainability program – in partnership with HEC Paris
15 May 2023
The Sustainability Essentials program is designed to meet the needs of executives in charge of transformation projects, who need to re-invent business models and develop strong competitive drivers in the short, medium, and long term. CSR Director Lin Lerpold is in charge of the program, together with fellow CSR researchers Ranjula Bali Swain and Örjan Sjöberg as faculty.
Institutional policy and business practice for implementation of circular economy in the textile value chain
05 May 2023
The main objective of this project is to identify and address institutional and market barriers to the implementation of sustainable circular business models and processes in the textile value chain.
International migration and integration in a post pandemic world
10 February 2023
Welcome to a book preview and multistakeholder event hosted by the Stockholm School of Economics, Center for Sustainability Research and The Migration Studies Delegation.
March 14, 2023, 16:00-18:00 Stockholm School of Economics, Auditorium.
Entrance at Sveavägen 65 or Bertil Ohlins gata 5, Stockholm.
Research seminar with Professor Douglas Massey from Princeton University on March 14th
07 February 2023
Welcome to a research seminar with Professor Douglas Massey, Princeton University!
It will take place on March 14th at 13.00-14.30 in the Terrace Room, Holländargatan 32, 8th floor.
The theme of the seminar will be "The Changing Character of International Migration: Evidence from the United States".
PhD student with big visions for the future
09 January 2023
Sven-Anders Stegare had a successful business career for almost three decades, among other roles as purchasing manager at the SEB. Despite the fact that things were going smoothly at work, the feeling of wanting to do something else has been growing stronger over the past few years. The idea of doing research had crossed his mind several times and he has now made a move on the matter. Meet our PhD-student Sven-Anders!
Ranjula Bali Swain and Susanne Sweet receive new grant
21 December 2022
We are delighted to announce that CSR researchers Ranjula Bali Swain and Susanne Sweet have received a new grant from the Swedish Research Council (Formas) of about SEK 4 million. The grant is for their work with an institutional policy and business practice to support the implementation of circular economy in the textile value chain.
"The young people are absolutely right when they sue the state"
08 December 2022
1,620 researchers and teachers at universities and colleges agree with the young people behind Aurora's climate requirements: They are affected, and risk being seriously affected by the climate crisis during their lifetime. Among them are several researchers from SSE.
Experienced ethnicity and migration researcher joins the CSR team
02 December 2022
Sayaka Osanami Törngren is an associate professor in international migration and ethnic relations (IMER) at the research center Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare. From now on, she will also be affiliated with CSR.
"My belief is that I don’t have to be an expert in everything, but if I surround myself with people who also have great ideas and knowledge, we can come together and achieve great things. I am looking forward to exchanging knowledge, perspectives, and visons with the other members of the team", she says.
Could changes in the migration law attract foreign entrepreneurs?
15 November 2022
Sweden liberalized labour migration policy in 2008 to allow third-country nationals to enter Sweden for entrepreneurship, not only for work. This unique element — a residence permit for entrepreneurship — was introduced by changes in the migration law. But has it been successful? CSR-affiliated researcher Aliaksei Kazlou took a closer look at the matter together with fellow researcher Susanne Urban.