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Who's winning the vaccination race? Addressing the COVID-19 vaccination effort in Eastern Europe

01 March 2021
Policy brief: There are great expectations that vaccinations will enable a return to normality from COVID-19. However, there is massive variation in vaccination efforts, vaccine access, and attitudes to vaccination in the population across countries. This policy brief compares the situation in a number of countries in Eastern Europe, the Baltics, the Caucasus region, and Sweden. The brief is based on the insights shared at a recent webinar “Addressing the COVID-19 pandemic: Vaccination efforts in FREE Network countries” organized by the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics.

Pollution and the COVID-19 pandemic: Air quality in Eastern Europe

16 February 2021
Policy brief: The COVID-19 pandemic has drawn attention to a pre-existing threat to global health: the quality of air in cities around the world. Prolonged exposure to air pollution has been found to increase the mortality rate of COVID-19. This is a particular concern for much of Eastern Europe, where emissions regularly exceed safe levels.

Erik Wetter Speaks Out on Data Sharing

21 January 2021
House of Innovation Assistant Professor, Erik Wetter, joined a panel of data experts convened in late 2020 to address concerns about data, analytics, automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Highlights from Development Day 2020: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Eastern Europe

21 December 2020
After having been relatively mildly affected in the first wave, Eastern Europe is currently in the midst of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic with much higher levels of infected and dead compared to the spring. This health crisis not only has economic consequences, but also has contributed to political instability in parts of the region. Learn more on the presentations and discussions held at the SITE Development Day conference 2020!

Innovation, leadership and purpose in a post-pandemic world

11 December 2020
Everyone is currently trying to picture what the future will look like after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed, how markets will be shaped, and how products and services will shift to address structural changes in organizations and society at large. However, the future we are facing is uncertain, disproportioned and evolving quickly – we don’t really know, nor can predict, what will happen.

Was Sweden's Covid-19 policy a failure?

10 December 2020
Sweden's strategy to deal with Covid-19 has been intensively debated both in Sweden and internationally during the spring. As the second wave of Covid-19 hit Sweden during the fall, the debate about the Swedish policy response has intensified.

Third year ART project presentations (Day 2)

02 December 2020
During the fall, the third year Retail Management students have been working with projects for our ten Retail Club companies.

Hybrid solution did not affect SSE students’ grades, research shows

26 November 2020
Moving teaching online and reducing in-person interaction did not affect students’ grades, new research from the Stockholm School of Economics shows.

Domestic violence has increased by 60% - alarming consequences of the pandemic

23 November 2020
As governments around the globe are continuing to enforce contagion management strategies to limit the spread of COVID-19, many experts are voicing their concerns about a different kind of pandemic. Alarming reports have surfaced from a wide range of countries suggesting significant increases in domestic violence, including one of its most prevalent forms – intimate partner violence.

IKEA´s tackling of the COVID-19 crisis at a national level

17 November 2020
IKEA held a theme lecture about how the company faced the COVID-19 crises.