The King of Sweden honored with new professorship in youth leadership
14 September 2023
In celebration of King Carl XVI Gustaf's 50 years on the throne, the Stockholm School of Economics is establishing a new professorship in youth leadership. The funding for this new professorship comes from a joint initiative by the Swedish business community.
Start bubble-hopping and gain important new perspectives
24 April 2023
To bubble-hop is to meet and connect with people whose backgrounds, knowledge, opinions, or beliefs differ from our own. In today’s polarized society, bubble-hopping can serve to bridge divides between people, says Emma Stenström, Associate Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics who has researched the method.
Prof Emer Sven-Erik Sjöstrand officially launched his most recent study and book “Ägarstyrning"
11 April 2023
On Thursday March 30, Professor Emeritus at the Stockholm School of Economics, Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, officially launched his most recent study and book “Ägarstyrning, en närstudie av ägarnas insatser och handlingsutrymmen i de stora svenska företagen”. The book was highlighted at a well-attended event in the aula followed by networking, drinks and light refreshments in the atrium.
Symposium: An inclusive labour market 2023
20 March 2023
Laurence Romani i panelen "Mångfald och inkludering i Sverige och världen idag" 23 mars.
Ny bok! Ägarstyrning. En närstudie av ägarnas insatser och handlingsutrymmen i de stora svenska företagen
15 February 2023
I en ny bok av Professor Emeritus Sven-Erik Sjöstrand behandlas allt slags ägande av stora företag i Sverige. Detta innebär att hela repertoaren av företagsägande beskrivs och analyseras.
Laurence Romani Explorer at Stockholm Explorative Talks
06 February 2023
On 15 February 15:00 – 16:30 CET Laurence Romani will be "The Explorer" at Stockholm Explorative Talks.
New book! Points of Contact
12 December 2022
This book by Lasse Lychnell is a visual exploration of connection. The ability to connect—with ourselves, others, and the planet—is regarded as essential for creating a sustainable world, leading organizations, and improving our well-being.
Laurence Romani in Digital Panel: Increasing Financial Inclusion in Sweden and Abroad
12 October 2022
Oct 26, 2022, 5:00 PM Central European Summer Time
Forskare: ”Folk jobbar även när de inte är kontrollerade”
28 September 2022
Efter pandemin vill de flesta fortsätta arbeta hemifrån, visar en ny internationell studie. Enligt Lena Lid Falkman, forskare i arbetslivsvetenskap, visar forskning att hemarbete främjar både produktivitet och effektivietet.– Det är den stora myten vi har spräckt, folk jobbar även när de inte är kontrollerade. De levererar hemifrån, säger hon till SVT.
New team takes CIVICA to the next level at SSE
11 August 2022
Salam Zandi now takes on further responsibility for CIVICA at SSE, leading the team with Anna Sandell and Professor Laurence Romani. The trio is now taking CIVICA to the next level at SSE.