Research Project on School Principals’ Leadership Autonomy in Sweden
13 March 2025
Researchers from the Stockholm School of Economics and Jönköping University are investigating the factors shaping school principals' managerial discretion in Sweden’s primary education system.
Examining prostitution regulation and its international impact: The 'Nordic model' and tourism
21 September 2023
In this working paper, researchers from SITE analyze how prostitution laws affect sex tourism, studying legal changes in four countries and their impact on tourism flows.
Impact of foreign aid on women's empowerment
31 August 2023
In this working paper, forthcoming in the Journal of Development Studies, researchers from SITE examines foreign aid's influence on women's empowerment in Malawi using geo-coded data. Positive impacts are observed, but context matters—gender-targeted aid varies in efficacy across communities.
Media coverage and pandemic behaviour: Evidence from Sweden
22 August 2022
Sweden has attracted a lot of interest as one of few countries that did not impose mandatory lockdowns or curfews in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. New research studies show local Swedish media in this environment affect individual behavior. Read the latest SITE working paper where researchers Marcel Garz (Jönköping University) and Maiting Zhuang (SITE), investigate the effects of media coverage on compliance with public health recommendations during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden.
I’ll pay you later: Sustaining relationships under the threat of expropriation
21 June 2022
SITE and NES (New Economic School) researchers investigate how multinational firms manage their relationships with governments under the threat of expropriation. Exploring micro data from the oil and gas industry worldwide, they show that the multinationals delay investment, production and tax payments by more than five years in countries with weak institutions relative to countries with strong ones. These findings are consistent with the theory suggesting that delaying rents to the government in absence of formal enforcement could decrease the risk of expropriation.
Domestic violence legislation - Awareness and support in Latvia, Russia and Ukraine
10 June 2022
SITE and FREE Network researchers investigate the factors that correlate with awareness and support for domestic violence legislation in Latvia, Russia and Ukraine, three countries that introduced recent reforms. The working paper is based on a cross-country survey on perceptions and prevalence of domestic and gender-based violence conducted within the FROGEE project.
New report | How can we know if mission-driven innovation really makes a difference?
30 May 2022
A new report from the Stockholm School of Economics draws on recent literature to develop a framework for evaluating mission-driven innovation environments and the work principles that guide their development.
Selective attention and the importance of types for information campaigns
27 January 2021
Working paper: Can we improve the potential for information to induce individual climate-change curbing action by focusing on individual types? In this paper Maria Perrotta Berlin, Assistant Professor at SITE, and her co-author try to contribute to the understanding of the persistence and increase of meat eating in the face of mounting evidence on the ills of meat production and consumption by considering the role of selective attention and learning.
Last call for papers for Nordic workshop on digital foundations of business, operations, strategy and innovation
17 December 2020
This third invitational hands-on and small-scale research paper workshop on digital foundations of business, operations, innovation and strategy will bring together a small group of researchers from information systems, computer science, operations management, innovation, and strategy. The call for papers closes on 18 December 2020 at 23:59 CET.
Hybrid solution did not affect SSE students’ grades, research shows
26 November 2020
Moving teaching online and reducing in-person interaction did not affect students’ grades, new research from the Stockholm School of Economics shows.