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HOI research | How AI is changing the future of research

01 October 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way research is conducted, from generating new ideas to drafting papers. A new study published in the Journal of Management Inquiry explores the benefits and challenges of using AI in academic research. This curated discussion highlights that while AI has the potential to enhance or harm the research process, it also triggers us to redefine and reconsider what authorship is and how research is performed.

New publication | Heterogeneity in effect size estimates

23 August 2024
The additional uncertainty due to choosing a population, a research design and an analysis path in empirical research introduce an additional layer of uncertainty that conservatively interpreted involves doubling reported standard errors and confidence intervals in published research. Anna Dreber Almenberg and Magnus Johannesson, Professors at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish a new article in PNAS.

New publication | Nonstandard Errors

08 May 2024
A multi-analyst study where over 160 independent research teams in finance tested the same six hypotheses on the same data set, found very large variation in results across the research teams. Anna Dreber Almenberg and Magnus Johannesson, Professors at the Department of Economics at SSE, and co-authors publish a new article in Journal of Finance.

Democratic backsliding and electoral autocracies: Research shared at the 2023 Academic conference

12 December 2023
On October 13th, 2023, the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) and the Forum for Research on Media and Democracy in Eastern Europe (FROMDEE) hosted an academic conference on “Democratic Backsliding and Electoral Autocracies”. This brief provides a short summary of the keynote lecture and research presentations featured at the conference.

New study from Department of Economics on design heterogeneity in PNAS

01 June 2023
New study on ‘design heterogeneity’ highlights the limits of generalizability and informativeness of individual experimental designs.

How to think about household finance in an uncertain world

04 October 2022
Household finance is a hot topic, considering the current economic crisis. On the latest episode of the podcast Sound Economy, Professor Paolo Sodini discusses assets and liabilities, savings and investments during uncertain times.

Last call for papers for Nordic workshop on digital foundations of business, operations, strategy and innovation

17 December 2020
This third invitational hands-on and small-scale research paper workshop on digital foundations of business, operations, innovation and strategy will bring together a small group of researchers from information systems, computer science, operations management, innovation, and strategy. The call for papers closes on 18 December 2020 at 23:59 CET.

HOI research | Advancing qualitative entrepreneurship research

09 September 2020
New work co-authored with the House of Innovation provides guidance for authors wishing to use qualitative methods by outlining four characteristics of entrepreneurship research that qualitative research is uniquely designed to address.

HOI research | Four recommendations for enhancing explorative entrepreneurship research

04 June 2020
Exploratory research goes beyond testing existing ideas to illuminate phenomena without regard to offering a specific reason for doing so. For this reason, exploratory research is vital to entrepreneurship research where new phenomenon such as crowdfunding, social ventures, and digital business models emerge that scholars may lack existing tools to explain. Well-done exploratory research offers a great opportunity to make useful contributions to entrepreneurship scholarship.

Financial Contracts as Coordination Device

13 June 2019
Working paper: This paper studies the use of financial contracts as bid-coordinating device in multi-unit uniform price auctions.
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