SITE 2024 Development Day | Forging a road to a brighter future: The path of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia to European Union membership
About the conference
This year’s Development Day centers on the ambitions and progress of Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia in their journey to EU membership. Attendees will gain insights into policy challenges, economic reforms, and strategic partnerships essential for supporting these nations on their path to integration.
Special guests
Christian Danielsson
State Secretary to the Swedish Minister for EU Affairs.
Cristina Gherasimov
Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration of Moldova.
Yevhen Perebyinis
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
Registration & program
Kindly complete your registration by clicking on the following link .
Program details
To see the program please click in the following link (see here). (Last updated: December 3, 2024)
Language: The event will be conducted in English.
Please contact if you have any questions regarding the event.
Photo: Alexandros Michailidis, Shutterstock
Photo of Christian Danielsson: Ninni Andersson/Regeringskansliet
Photo of Cristina Gherasimov: Julien Nizet /
Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, , via Wikimedia Commons
Photo of Yevhen Perebyinis: , , via Wikimedia Commons
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