Seminar | Why did Putin invade Ukraine? A theory of degenerate autocracy
Why did Putin invade Ukraine? A theory of degenerate autocracy
Auhtor: , University of Chicago
Many, if not most, personalistic dictatorships end up with a disastrous, suicidal decision such as Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union, Hirohito's government launching a war against the United States, or Putin's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Even if the disastrous decision is not ultimately fatal for the regime such as Mao's Big Leap Forward or the Pol Pot's collectivization drive, they typically involve monumental miscalculation and lack of competence. We offer a theory of non-democratic regimes, in which the need for regime security dictates, in difficult circumstances, replacement of technocrats by incompetent loyalists, leading, in turn, to disastrous decisions.
About the speaker
The event will take place in room Ragnar at SSE, Bertil Ohlins gata 5, 113 50 Stockholm. The event will also be streamed online via Zoom for those who cannot join the event in person. Please register via the Trippus platform (). A confirmation email will be sent to you within a few minutes. If you have not received the confirmation email within 10 minutes, please check your SPAM folder.
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