Switching to virtual teams in the face of COVID 19 - 4 June 2020
The current pandemic is having an impact on the way we work and interact. Some companies have been forced to shut down completely, forcing management lay-off staff with just a barebones crew working overtime to keep things afloat, while others manage by having staff work from home. The virtualization of working teams has been sped up and implemented in sectors that have only just started discussing digitization.
How can managers run an office, where daily and weekly spontaneous meetings have been a vital part of the professional interaction? What are the pitfalls, and are there any learnings that will be the new normal after the pandemic? This webinar was organized by SSE House of Innovation, in collaboration with the Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Switzerland Global Enterprise.
Frida Pemer, Stockholm School of Economics
This webinar was moderated by , Board Member of the Swiss Chamber of Commerce and Head of Trade Point Nordics, Switzerland Global Enterprise.