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Breakfast seminar: do we really need data scientists? - 3 May 2019

On May 3rd House of Innovation arranged a breakfast seminar on the needs of data scientists in incumbent firms as well as start-ups.

There is a lot of buzz around data science and AI, and data scientist has been mentioned as ‘the sexiest job of the 21st century’. The problem is that there is still little agreed definition of what data science actually means for business, and more importantly, what skills are needed to be a data scientist.

In a discussion with Ron Stolero, Chief Data and Analytics Officer at iZettle, and Staffan Vildelin, Director of Shared IT at Scania Group, moderated by assistant professor Erik Wetter, the audience got an updated view of how data science is being interpreted and applied in different industries, and what different profiles and skills are used to turn data into profitable decisions.

This breakfast seminar was part of the House of Innovation Outreach program and arranged for House of Innovation and SSE partner organizations. If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact us on info.hoi@hhs.se.